acidic: A term used to describe a substance that contains acid. Acidic substances have the ability to dissolve certain minerals, such as carbonates, or prevent their formation.
atlantic ocean: One of the five oceans in the world, second in size only to the Pacific Ocean. It separates Europe and Africa to the east, and North and South America to the west.
climate: Refers to the general weather conditions that typically exist in a specific area over a long period of time.
climate change: Significant long-term changes in Earth’s climate, which can occur naturally or as a result of human activities such as burning fossil fuels or deforestation.
colleague: A person who works with others, such as colleagues and team members.
computer model: A program running on a computer that creates a simulation or model of real-world features, phenomena, or events.
data: Facts and statistics gathered for analysis, which may not be organized in a meaningful way. Digital data is typically represented as binary code with strings of 0’s and 1’s.
decibel: A unit of measurement for the intensity of sound that can be detected by the human ear. The scale is logarithmic, with a sound 10 times louder having a value of 10 dB.
environment: The sum of all things that surround an organism, including processes and conditions that they produce.
element: Something that contributes to a particular state or event.
Greenland: The world’s largest island located between the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans, with strong ties to Europe.
marine mammals: Mammals that spend most of their lives in marine environments, including various species like whales, dolphins, seals, and sea otters.
model: A simulation used to predict outcomes of real-world events or to show how something works or looks to others.
navigate: Finding one’s way through a landscape using various cues and techniques.
salt: A compound formed by combining an acid and a base, with sea salt being a common example.
Ocean: A large body of saltwater that covers much of Earth’s surface.
sound waves: Waves that transmit sound, characterized by alternating bands of high and low pressure.
stress: Factors that impact the health of a species or ecosystem, such as extreme temperatures or pollution.
wave: A disturbance or fluctuation that travels through space or matter.
wavelength: The distance between successive crests of waves or radiation, used as a measure of various forms of electromagnetic radiation.