Dingo Gap in Gale Crater
NASA/JPL-California Institute of Technology/MSSS
From H.G. Wells’ Alien Invaders space war to MartianAs abandoned astronauts, we have long been inspired by the idea that there could be life on Mars, human or otherwise. Thanks to flybys, orbiters, and landers, including NASA’s Perseverance spacecraft and its companion Ingenuity, Mars has become one of the best-understood planets in the solar system. Now, more than ever, we are closer to answering the question: could there be life there?

Meridiani Planum impact crater
NASA/JPL-California Institute of Technology/University of Arizona

Mars surface temperature
NASA/JPL-California Institute of Technology/Arizona State University
New book, Mars: Photos from NASA archivescelebrates missions that have deepened our understanding of Mars and looks to the future when humans explore the Red Planet.