The newly discovered volcanic hot spot is larger than the Earth’s boss lake, and Beppo emits six times the eruption of the total energy of all worlds in the world.
On December 27, 2024, a huge hot spot is seen on the right side of the IO IO in this image taken by Jiram infrared imager on Jiram’s infrared image on December 27, 2024. Image credit: NASA / JPL-CALTECH / SWRI / ASI / INAF / Jiram.
“NASA’s Juno spacecraft had two very close frivaties in the extended mission,” said Dr. Scot Bolton, researcher of South West Research Institute.
“And each fly -alibi provided data on painful moon beyond our expectations, but this latest, farther, fry -drive data really blown out our hearts.”
“This is the most powerful volcanic event that has been recorded in the world of volcanoes in our solar system. It really says something.”
The IO, which is slightly larger than the moon on the earth, is the most active volcanic body in the solar system.
It is the most inner moon of Jupiter Gali Leans, including IO, EUROPA, GANYMEDE and CALLISTO.
IO has more than 400 active volcanoes, causing the tide heat, which is the result of gravity from Jupiter and other Jovian Moon.
During the extended mission, Juno’s trajectory passes through all other trajectory and flew every month.
Previously, the spacecraft created Flybys near IO in December 2023 and February 2024, and was within about 1,500 km (930 miles) from its surface.
The latest fly -ibai was held on December 27, 2024, and the spacecraft was within about 74,400 km (46,200 miles) of the month, and Ju -no Jovia’s infrared Auroral Mapper (Giram) instrument was trained in the IO Southern Hemisphere. Ta.
“Jiram detected an extremely infrared radiation luminance (huge hot spot) event in the Southern Hemisphere of IO, and saturated the detector,” said Dr. Alessandro Mura, a researcher at the Roman National Institute of Physics. I mentioned it.
“But what we detected was actually a hot spot with some close intervals that suggest a vast magma chamber system underground.”
“Data supports this is the most intense volcanic eruption recorded in IO.”
The team estimates that unknown functions will spans 100,000 km.2 (40,000 square miles).
The previous record holder was Loki Patera of IO, which is about 20,000 km of lava.2 (7,700 square miles).
The total power value of the new hot spot shine was much higher than 80 trillion watts.
This feature was also captured by the junocam Visible Light camera in the mission.
Researchers compared the junocam images of the previous two IO Flybys to the devices collected on December 27.
And these latest images have a low resolution due to JUNO far away, but the relative changes in the surface color around the newly discovered hot spot were clear.
Such changes on the IO surface are known to be related to hot spots and volcanic activities in the planetary science community.
The eruption of this size may leave a long life signature.
Other large eruptions of IO include thermal crushed sediment (a piece of rock exhaled in volcanic), small lava flows that can be supplied by cracks, volcanic plum sediments rich in sulfur and sulfur dioxide. We have created various characteristics.
JUNO uses IO’s Fly Bai on March 3 to look at the hot spot and search for changes in landscapes.
It is also possible to observe earth -based observations in this area of the moon.
“It’s always great to witness an event to rewrite a recordbook, but this new hot spot can potentially do much more,” said Dr. Bolton.
“Interesting features can improve the understanding of volcanism not only in IO but also in other worlds.”