aquifer: A rock that is capable of storing groundwater. This term can also refer to underground water pools.
tub: (in geology) a low-lying area often below sea level. It collects water and deposits fine silt and other sediments on its bottom. Because they collect these materials, they are sometimes called watersheds or drainage basins.
data: Facts and/or statistics collected together for analysis. They are not necessarily organized in a way that gives them meaning. For digital information (the type stored by computers), these data are typically numbers stored in binary code and represented as strings of 0’s and 1’s.
freshwater: A noun or adjective that describes a body of water with very low salinity. This is the type of water used for drinking water and as the constituent water of most inland lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and groundwater.
Groundwater: Water stored underground in the soil or in the crevices and crevices of rocks.
emigration: (v. migration) moving from one area or habitat to another, especially on a regular basis (and according to the seasons) or in response to some driving force (such as climate or war). Individuals who make this move are known as immigrants.
NASA: Abbreviation for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Founded in 1958, this American institution is a leader in stimulating public interest in space research and exploration. It was through NASA that the United States put humans into orbit and eventually on the moon. Research vessels are also being sent to study planets and other celestial bodies in the solar system.
policy: A plan, prescribed guidelines, or agreed rules of conduct to be applied to a particular situation. For example, a school may have a policy about when snow days are allowed, or how many excused absences a student is allowed in a given year.
danger: The probability or mathematical probability that something bad will happen. For example, exposure to radiation poses a risk of cancer. Or danger, or danger itself. (for example: The cancer risks people faced included drinking water contaminated with radiation and arsenic.. )
salt: A compound made by combining an acid and a base (this reaction also produces water). The sea contains a variety of salts, collectively called “sea salt.” Common table salt is made up of sodium and chlorine.
satellite: A moon orbiting a planet, or a vehicle or other manufactured object orbiting a celestial body in space.
sea ​​water: Salt water that exists in the ocean.
Sustainable: (n. sustainability) An adjective that describes the use of resources in such a way that they will continue to be used in the future.
pollution: To contaminate something with an unexpected, unnatural, or illegal substance.