An extreme class of planets not found in our solar system, Ultrahot Jupiters offers a unique window into atmospheric processes. Using four telescope units in ESO’s extremely large telescopes, astronomers are currently being investigated deep into the atmosphere of the Ultra Hot Jupiter ExoPlanet WASP-121B, revealing separate powerful winds in separate layers, We have formed a map of the 3D structure of the atmosphere.
This diagram shows the atmospheric structure and movement of the WASP-121B. Image credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser.
The WASP-121B is a gas giant exoplanet 1.87 times larger than Jupiter and 1.18 times larger.
First discovered in 2016, this alien world takes just 1.3 days to traverse the parent F6 star WASP-121 (TYC 7630-352-1).
The WASP-121 system is approximately 881 light years away from the puppy’s constellations.
The WASP-121B is what is called “Ultra Hot Jupiter” and takes only 1.3 days to get the WASP-121 into orbit. It’s so close to the parent star, that when it gets closer, the star’s gravity begins to tear it apart.
Astronomers estimate the planet’s temperature is about 2,500 degrees Celsius (4,600 degrees Fahrenheit), high enough to boil some metals.
“The WASP-121B atmosphere behaves in a way that challenges understanding of how the weather works not only on Earth, but on all planets,” says the astronomer at Lagrange Laboratory, an astronomer at ESO. said Dr. Julia Victoria Seidel. Cote d’Azur.
“It feels like something from science fiction.”
“What we found was amazing. The Jet River rotates material around the planet’s equator, and another flow at a lower level in the atmosphere moves the gas from the hot side to the cool side. “
“We’ve never seen this kind of climate on any planet.”
“The observed jet stream spans half the planet, gaining speed and thrusts the air in the sky hard as it crosses the hot side of the WASP-121B.”
“Even the strongest hurricanes in the solar system seem milder in comparison.”
Dr. Seidel and colleagues to reveal the 3D structure of the atmosphere of the WASP-121B Used Espresso equipment located in ESO’s extremely large telescopes (VLTs) combines the light from four large telescope units into a single signal.
This combination mode of VLT collects 4 times the light of an individual telescope unit and reveals the details of the feinder.
Espresso was able to detect signatures of multiple chemical elements by observing the planet’s complete passage in front of the host star, resulting in different layers of the atmosphere.
“The VLT has led to three different layers of the Exoplanet atmosphere falling on one side,” said Dr. Leonardo A. dos Santos, an astronomer at the Institute of Space Telescope Science.
Astronomers were able to track the movement of iron, sodium and hydrogen, and track winds in the deep, central and shallow layers of the Earth’s atmosphere, respectively.
“It’s a very challenging observation for space telescopes and highlights the importance of ground-based observations on exoplanets,” Dr. Dos Santos said.
Interestingly, observations are also It was revealed Titanium is present just below the jet stream.
This was another surprise, as previous observations of the planet showed that this element was absent, and perhaps hidden deep within the atmosphere.
“It’s truly amazing to be able to study the details of such vast distances such as the chemical composition and weather patterns,” said PhD Viviana Prinos. A student at Lund University.
JV Seidel et al. Vertical structure of the atmospheric jet stream of the exporanet. NaturePublished online on February 18th, 2025. doi:10.1038/s41586-025-08664-1