rafflesia It is a parasitic plant that spends most of its life cycle inside its host tropical vine, emerging only to flower. Its flowers are the largest in the world, reaching a length of one meter. Despite this, little is known about its life cycle and it is almost impossible to grow.
half of Rafflesia species Most of the organisms known to science have been described in the past 20 years, and since then most of them have come close to extinction. This is a plant at risk. On a recent visit to the Philippines, I saw the population shrinking to make way for agricultural crops. As is often the case, small farmers were in charge. They are simply people trying to make ends meet.
What's the solution? Protecting habitat is the best safeguard.However, this only works if you know the location rafflesia It happens first. In many cases, this is not the case. Local community action groups are essential to monitor the population in this regard.
Beyond habitat conservation, most plants can be protected in seed banks and botanical gardens.but rafflesia It is a refractory parasite. The only botanical garden where it has been successfully cultivated is in Bogor, Indonesia. rafflesia-Infected vines are grafted onto new uninfected rootstock.
In 2022, my colleagues Pastor Malabrigo Jr. and Pastor Adrian Tobias from the University of the Philippines Los Baños and I went to Bogor to learn how to grow what cannot grow. When we returned to the Philippines, we conducted the first attempt in the history of this country. rafflesia Breeding within forest reserves.If our R. Panchoana If the transplant is successful, a template for propagation is created. rafflesia This species is on the verge of extinction in the Philippines.
Chris Thorogood (@thorogoodchris1) is Deputy Director of the Oxford University Botanic Garden and author of the following books: pathless forest
Source: www.newscientist.com