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Allergens: A substance that causes an allergic reaction.
Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge-based decision-making indicated by a machine or computer. Also refers to the research areas seeking to create intelligent machines or software.
Engineer: Individuals who use science and mathematics to solve problems. As a verb, to engineer means designing solutions.
Machine Learning: Computer science techniques allowing computers to learn from examples and experiences. Foundation of various artificial intelligence forms.
Junior High School: Typically 6th to 8th grade students in the US education system, just before high school.
Particle: A unit of something.
Peanut: Protein-rich legume seeds, not true nuts, growing underground.
Protein: Compound made of long chains of amino acids, essential to living things.
Sensor: Device detecting physical or chemical conditions, important for scientific and engineering applications.
System: A network of components working together to achieve a function or task.
Texas: The second largest state in the US, located along the southern border with Mexico.