3-D: Abbreviation for 3D, which refers to objects or images that can be explained in three dimensions: height, width, and length.
Note: A mental phenomenon where focus is directed towards a specific object or event.
Avatar: An electronic representation of characters in virtual reality that can be controlled and interacted with by users.
Action: How a person or organism behaves towards others or themselves.
Bullying: A form of repeated, mean-spirited behavior that can include physical or verbal attacks, spreading rumors, or exclusion from groups. Bullying can also occur online through cyberbullying.
Computer Programs: Instructions that a computer uses to perform calculations or analysis, also known as computer programming.
Criminologist: Experts in the study of crime and criminals.
Develop: To come into existence naturally or through human intervention.
Environment: The surroundings in which living organisms exist, including weather, ecosystems, and overall conditions.
Concentration: Focusing on a specific object or point.
Immersive: Computer-generated experiences that create an imaginary environment, often through virtual reality technology.
Online: Referring to activities or resources accessed through the internet.
Risk: The possibility of something negative happening, or exposure to danger.
Social Media: Digital platforms that enable people to connect, share information, and communicate with each other online.
Investigation: Researching, examining, and evaluating data to understand a specific topic or issue.
Beware: Being cautious and alert.
Virtual Reality: A realistic 3D simulation of the real world that allows users to interact with it using special equipment like helmets or glasses.
Source: www.snexplores.org