Amelia Earhart, one of aviation’s most famous pioneers, is renowned for being the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. However, her story tragically ended in 1937 when her Lockheed 10-E Electra plane vanished during an ambitious round-the-world flight.
Earhart’s goal was to circumnavigate the equator and the globe, planning a 46,670 km (29,000 mile) journey that spanned California, Central and South America, Africa, Australia, and the Pacific Ocean.
After six weeks of traveling, Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan departed from New Guinea towards Howland Island, approximately 2,735 km (1,700 miles) southwest of Honolulu.
The challenging 20-hour flight was the longest leg of their journey, pushing the plane to its limits. Despite support from the US Coast Guard, they were unable to locate the 6.5 km² (2.5 square mile) Howland Island in the vast Pacific Ocean, and it vanished without a trace.
An official US government investigation concluded that Earhart’s plane ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean after failing to find Howland Island. However, with no concrete evidence, various theories abound regarding the disappearance.
Most famously, it is speculated that Earhart and Noonan landed on a reef near Gardner Island, resulting in their tragic demise.
The failure to reach Howland Island may have been due to navigation errors. One theory, the International Date Line Theory, suggests Noonan’s calculations did not account for crossing the International Date Line.
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Noonan utilized celestial navigation based on celestial bodies’ positions. However, the Earth’s rotation and revolution around the Sun cause these positions to shift daily, necessitating precise date and time knowledge for accurate navigation.
Given the flight’s timing as it passed midnight and crossed the International Date Line, Noonan faced complex calculations that may have led them off course.
If Noonan missed the second date change as they crossed the Date Line again, the plane could have veered 110 km (70 miles) east of Howland Island.
In January 2024, the US ocean exploration team “Deep Sea Vision” discovered potential wreckage of Earhart’s plane on the ocean floor. They used underwater drones to scan over 12,950 km² (5,000 square miles) of the Pacific Ocean.
The images indicate an object resembling a Lockheed Electra in a position predicted by the Date Line Theory, prompting further investigation by the team.
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This article addresses the question raised by George Grainger of London: “Was Amelia Earhart or her plane ever discovered?”
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