- This weekend is forecast in Southern California.
- Rain can help fire extinguishing activities, but also causes landslides, gunfire and toxic substances.
- California Governor Gavin Newsam and Mayor Los Angeles, Karen Bus, are preparing to address these threats.
In Southern California, there is a prediction that the long-awaited rain will fall this weekend, and the possibility that firefighters have spent nearly three weeks fighting the catastrophic flashes in the Los Angeles region a sense of relief of welcome. There is.
However, the expected precipitation also has new risks such as landslides, rhanel, and leakage of toxic substances.
According to the National Meteorological Bureau, up to 1.5 inches of Sangabriel can rain up to 1.5 inches, and in most areas in Los Angeles County, it may rain about 0.5 inches from Saturday afternoon, and maybe it will continue until Monday. There is.
“There is a risk of thunderstorms (probability 10-20 %), and the rainfall is up to 0.50 inches/time, and a short rainfall may occur,” said the Meteorological Bureau. As mentioned in the weekend weather forecast。
This rain can help to extinguish the fatal mountain fire of tens of thousands of acres in Los Angeles, Ventura, and Riverside County. The largest fire, Parisese, occurred on January 7, extinguishing 72% on Thursday.
Ap Gomez/AFP –Getty Images
Southern California has been abnormal for the past eight months, and has been hit by long-term drought. It was in early May that the last 10-inch rain was recorded in Los Angeles.
However, while the rain is likely to be useful for fire extinguishing activities, it also has new risks. Recently burned lands are generally low stability and there are few vegetation that fixes soil, so if these burns are rained, the scenery of the hills may be eroded more easily. It can cause dangerous landslides that “can carry rocks and large wooden fragments”, which can damage structures, block drainage channels, and expose human life. According to the US Geological Investigation Center。
Earlier this month, one landslide was reported in Pacific Palisese, and a house that escaped the fire was damaged. The Los Angeles Fire Bureau officials said that as the rainy season became full-fledged, the landslide of the burns would be a major concern.
According to this weekend forecast, the probability of thunderstorms is only 10 to 20%, but the National Meteorological Bureau can cause storms to cause “isolated short heavy rains”, increasing the risk of rifting, and “dangers of debris flow. The gender is low but not zero. ” It has recently been flowing on a burned area. “
Valerie Macon/AFP -Getty Images
Governor Gabin Newsam of California said on Wednesday that the state was ready to protect the burn marks, vinyl sheets, and other resources.
“Before I saw the horizon on the horizon in Los Angeles, I instructed each ministry to act quickly to protect the neighboring areas from potentially dangerous earthen stones,” said New Sam. I mentioned in the statement。
He added that the flow of water would be used to filter the leaked water and use a silt fence and other physical barriers to protect the waterway from toxic pollution.
When the house or neighborhood burns, the burn marks often contain toxic ash containing harmful substances such as lead and asbestos. Fire may release harmful chemicals from paints, electronic devices, cars, and other household goods. Without appropriate protection, the rain after a recently burned area may wash these toxic substances in the sea, Ogawa, and other waterways.
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“The city is acting aggressively before the rain,” said Mayor Karen Bus in Los Angeles. I wrote it on Tuesday X。 “The crew is preparing to stop the flow of toxins from burnt areas, waters, coasts, and sea.”
Mr. Bus said that it was ongoing to set up a reinforced barrier, remove fragments of fire with heavy equipment, catch rainwater, and flow into sewers.
Source: www.nbcnews.com