acoustic: Refers to sound and hearing.
bat: Winged mammals that consist of over 1,400 different species. Also, a sports device used to hit a ball. (v.) Swinging a stick or flat bat in hopes of hitting a ball.
beetle: Insects belonging to the order Coleoptera, with at least 350,000 species. Adults typically have a hard front wing cover used for flight.
Biologist: Scientists who study biological organisms.
Chemicals: Substances formed from atoms bonding together in specific proportions. For example, water is a chemical formed by two hydrogen atoms bonding with one oxygen atom (H2O).
colleague: A person who works with another, a team member.
Echolocation: A biological process where an animal emits calls and listens to the echo bouncing back from its surroundings to navigate and find food and mates.
insect: Adult arthropods with six legs and three body parts – head, thorax, and abdomen. Include bees, beetles, flies, moths, and more.
operation: Using skilled movements or procedures to place something in its desired position.
metal: Conducts electricity well, has a glossy appearance, and can be reshaped with heat or pressure.
month: Natural satellites of planets.
Nocturne: Refers to activities, occurrences, or performances that happen at night.
pitch: Refers to the frequency and relative high or low sound produced by a musician. Determined by the vibration creating the sound.
Predators: Creatures that hunt and feed on other animals.
Prey: Species that are hunted and consumed by other animals.
Sound waves: Waves that transmit sound, characterized by alternating bands of high and low pressure.
seed: Organisms capable of surviving and reproducing offspring.
Flock: Group of animals that move together. Can also refer to a large number of bees in a hive.
Toxic: Can cause harm or even death to cells, tissues, or organisms. Toxicity measures the risk posed by such poisons.
Semi-transparent: Allows light to pass through but not transparent, resulting in blurry shapes with no details when viewed through semi-transparent materials.
wave: Disturbance or variation that moves through space or a medium in a vibrating manner.