Browsing: migratory
Giant reed warbler migrating between Europe and Africa AGAMI Photo Agency / Alamy Stock Many migratory birds use the Earth's magnetic field as a compass, and…
Bull sharks may be vulnerable to cold upwellingMartin Prohaskatz/Shutterstock The upwelling of cold water from the deep ocean to the surface can be deadly to marine…
antenna: (plural: antennae or antennae) In biology: any of a pair of elongated sensory appendages on the head of insects, crustaceans, and other arthropods.application: a specific…
Storks in their breeding grounds in Germany Christian Ziegler/Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior As storks grow older, they choose faster and more direct migration routes.…
The albatross (Diomedea exulans) is classified as endangered GmbH & Co.KG / Alamy Hundreds of migratory species, from humpback whales to wandering albatrosses, are under…