Browsing: monster
ohBut out in the desert, the skies begin to darken. You are here to hunt Dosha-gama – fearsome, scaly, lion-like, squashed-faced beasts that roam the dunes…
The Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis) is named after an 18th-century sailing ship due to its resemblance to a ship under full sail. In the open ocean,…
Sea cucumbers are related to sea urchins and starfish. They typically rest on the ocean floor and are not very active, similar to plants. However, in…
aquatic: An adjective that describes water. astronomy: A field of science that deals with celestial bodies, the universe, and the physical universe. People who work in…
New research suggests that the Green Monster, a strange structure first discovered in Web Data in April 2023, resulted from a blast wave that hit the…