Apple is utilizing its latest iPhone to send out AI-generated news alerts that have been found to be inaccurate. For example, announcements were made claiming that a man suspected of murdering a US insurance company president had shot himself and that tennis player Rafael Nadal had come out as gay. Apple has announced that a software update will be released in the near future to clarify that these news notifications are summaries generated by their Apple Intelligence system.
Recently, the BBC filed a formal complaint after some iPhone users received misleading news alerts with the BBC logo. One alert falsely claimed that the suspect in the murder case had shot himself, when in reality he was alive and in jail. Another alert incorrectly stated that Nadal had come out as gay, along with inaccurate information about a darts championship winner.
The BBC stressed the importance of accurate news reporting for maintaining trust and called on Apple to address these issues promptly. The AI features responsible for these inaccuracies were released in December for select iPhone models, iPads, and Macs.
Apple acknowledged the issues and stated that they are continuously working to improve their AI features based on user feedback. They have assured users that a software update will be released in the coming weeks to clarify when a notification summary is provided by Apple Intelligence. Users are encouraged to report any concerns regarding misleading news alerts.