The evolution of the first animals to appear on land 500 million years ago has been revealed. The ancestors of millipedes, called euticalcinids, evolved from larval arthropods in warm tidal pools. Individuals that reached sexual maturity early and survived the harsh tidal zone passed on their genes to the next generation, evolving into arthropods that could crawl onto land when the tidal pools dried up.
Reconstruction of the first land animal to live on the ancient tidal flats of Blackberry Hill, Wisconsin (500 million years ago). A washed-up jellyfish (1 meter wide), Euticarcinoidea. Mosineia (Lower left, 15cm long), Phyllocarididae crustacean Arenosicalis (bottom right, green) and a large, slug-like mollusk (70 cm long). Some euticalcinids live in tide pools before they dry up. Image courtesy of Todd Gass.
All life first evolved in the sea, and because carcasses decay more easily on land than in the sea, fossils of early land animals are very rare.
Arthropods — creepy-looking animals with segmented bodies, jointed limbs, and hard exoskeletons, like spiders, crabs, and insects — were the first animals to move onto land.
The oldest known fossils of land animals are those called millipedes. Pneumodesmus pneumanii It dates back to the Late Wenlockian Stage of the Silurian Period in Scotland, approximately 428 million years ago (Ma).
Millipedes, centipedes and their relatives are called myriapods, and there are about 12,000 species of them.
There's another type of fossil that can give us clues about when ancient animals first emerged from the sea: trace fossils.
They are Represent These are traces of biological activity, including animal tracks and burrows.
Trace fossils reveal a time-honoured snapshot of extinct animals' behaviours and interactions, allowing us to bring extinct animals to life.
Fossil burrows in Pennsylvania (445 million years ago) and fossil tracks in Cumbria, England (450 million years ago) suggest that myriapods lived on land 22 million years before the oldest body fossils.
The oldest known footprints on land were left in ancient coastal dunes in New York and Ontario by ancestors of myriapod animals called euticalcinids. Tidal flats (Quebec and Wisconsin) Approximately 500 million years ago.
It may have been one small step for insects, but one giant leap for life on Earth.
of Eutic carcinoid It had a body length of 4 to 15 cm (up to 30 cm, judging from fossilized footprints), and lived between 500 million and 225 million years ago. It resembled a pill bug (woodlouse), but had spines on its tail.
During the Cambrian Period, a group of marine arthropods called Fuchsianidae lived in shallow seas.
Euticarcinoids resemble larval fuchsiafiids, Precocious maturity (i.e. the retention of juvenile characteristics in descendant species) was involved in the evolution of these earliest land animals.
Euticalcinids spawned in warm tide pools, presumably to protect the eggs from marine predators and speed up larval development.
These harsh tidal conditions gradually selected for individuals in the population that reached sexual maturity earlier, survived, and were able to pass on their genes to the next generation – juvenile traits.
Cambrian euticalcinoids had barrel-shaped bodies, short legs, and six telson segments.
As they evolved, the number of tail segments gradually decreased, from six to five during the Silurian and Carboniferous periods, and in some later species to four segments. Also, the legs developed thin spines.
One group of euthycarcinoids, called the Sotticcercidae, has a long, multi-segmented body and legs of similar length, making it more myriapod-like.
Campecarids are a rare and extinct group of myriapods that may represent an evolutionary link between Sotticcercidae and myriapods, as they share a legless neck and tail segment.
The euticalcinids were soon followed by the sea scorpions (Eurypterids), the ancestors of scorpions, which led to widespread animal invasion of land.
Our own (vertebrate, i.e. backbone) ancestors, called tetrapods, first came onto land in a breathtaking adventure 130 million years after the eucaryotic vertebrates.
Walter Garstang eloquently states: “The facts are much the same: whatever the name, any yolk-bearing arthropod must have once had an aquatic ancestor that laid tiny eggs and hatched as tiny legless larvae. So the larvae that are the predecessors of our millipedes and spiders (and centipedes and insects) cannot be outsiders.”
this paper Appeared in New Jarlbuch in Geology and Palaeontology.
Braddy, S.J. 2024. Euthycarcinoid ecology and evolution. New Jarlbuch in Geology and Palaeontology,doi:10.1127/njgpa/2024/1199