Being active has many health benefits
Sergio Azenha/Alamy
People who suffer from recurring back pain appear to be able to avoid the discomfort for longer by taking regular walks.
Over 600 million people worldwide I feel pain in this part of my back, Initially resolved but often recursDespite this high prevalence, little research has been done on its prevention. Tash Pocovy At Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Pocobi and her colleagues wanted to find an affordable, relatively accessible way to prevent pain recurrence, so they designed “Walk-Back,” the first controlled trial of its kind.
The researchers selected 701 people aged between 20 and 82 years old living across Australia who had experienced and recovered from back pain in the previous six months, without any specific diagnosis such as fracture or infection.
On average, participants experienced 33 episodes of back pain each that interfered with their daily activities and lasted at least 24 hours. None of the participants went for recreational walks or participated in any kind of exercise program to manage their pain.
The scientists asked 351 participants to create an individualized walking program with the help of a physical therapist, with the goal of gradually increasing their walking to 30 minutes a day, five days a week, within six months. The program was unique to each participant to ensure they could stick to it, Pocovy said. After 12 weeks, participants were walking an average of 130 minutes a week.
Pocovà said her intention was to also inform people about the latest scientific knowledge about back pain and reassure them that moving with the supervision of a physical therapist is safe. “A history of back pain can lead many people to avoid or fear moving,” she said.
The remaining 350 volunteers received no such education or walking program recommendations. Pocobi and her team followed all of the participants for up to three years. Regardless of which group they were in, participants were free to receive additional treatment for their pain.
On average, subjects in the treatment group experienced their first recurrence of activity-limiting back pain 208 days after starting the study, compared with 112 days in the control group.
Additionally, half of the control group sought other interventions, such as massage or chiropractic care, compared with only 36% of those who participated in the walking and education program, but the latter group was more likely to experience minor exercise-related complications, such as sprains.
“I think this is probably a useful tool that clinicians can use and patients can use when they go to the clinician,” Pocovà says.