Kion West can talk about an anecdote about racism that he has experienced on a daily basis, but does not. He says that a personal testimony rarely persuades someone, is often rejected or is cleared for another reason that is not so unpleasant. He prefers to focus on facts instead of emotions caused by racist behavior and racist accusations.
Social psychologists at the Goldsmith School at the University of London have integrated hundreds of strict demonstration research on racist discrimination for decades in new books. Science of racism。 He scientifically accurately accurate what modern racism and the complexity surrounding it by exploring how racism can be detected through experiments and the effects on society as a whole. We are building a whole picture.
It is clear that society to fight racism is still inadequate, but there are many things that can be done. The same study, which proves racism, can help all of you to elucidate psychological exercises that almost everyone is doing to hide racist behavior from themselves. The idea of ​​such personal prejudice can gradually solve many racist behavior.
In this interview, the waist describes a method that is backed by science to discover various outfit racism, showing light on ideas such as reverse ratism and organized racism. He wants to change direction to confront racism from the front, because public debate discusses whether racism exists.
Amalachi Orie: What is racist discrimination?
Kion West: There are two definitions that may be useful. There is something useful for conducting scientific experiments. Racism is everything.