Starch is a component of wheat flour and is used as a thickening agent in cooking.
Victor Fischer/Alamy
Making small sheets or cages from starch particles turns them into super-thickeners, which can reduce the calorie content of food.
Starches are often added to foods such as soups to thicken them, but this increases their calorie and carbohydrate content. now, lee peiron Researchers at Cornell University in New York have discovered that by arranging starch particles into special shapes, they can reduce the amount of starch in foods without sacrificing texture.
Starch particles expand when heated, which thickens the food. This means that the particles get stuck together and there is less room for the liquid components of the dish to flow freely. The researchers wondered if they could recreate this effect while reducing the amount needed by hollowing out starch blocks. “But you can't carve starch grains like pumpkins,” says Lee.
Instead, he and his colleagues devised a method that uses starch particles extracted from amaranth grains and assembles them into three-dimensional shapes by mixing them with water and oil. Starch particles were placed around the oil droplets, and the researchers used a combination of heating and freeze-drying to remove the two liquids. This left only starchy structures, some shaped like cages with a hollow center, others like sheets stacked on top of each other so that the liquid was trapped between them.
The research team discovered that these starch structures are so good as thickeners that they can halve the amount of starch typically needed to thicken foods.
Fan Zhu Researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand say the use of these granules as building blocks for a new class of hollow starch structures is so innovative that starches could become a big part of future food design. It has said. However, Zhu said amaranth starch is expensive and difficult to source in large quantities, so it would be advantageous to apply the new method to more affordable and abundant starches, such as starch made from corn. says. “And more research is needed into what happens when you put these kinds of structures in your mouth,” he says.