colleague: A person who works with other people. colleagues and team members.
confuse: (n. destroy) To tear something apart. interrupt the normal operation of something. or to disrupt the normal organization (or order) of something.
friction: The resistance encountered by one surface or object as it moves over or through another substance (such as a fluid or gas). Friction generally causes heating and can damage the surface of one material as it rubs against another.
Insight: The ability to accurately and deeply understand a situation simply by thinking, rather than deriving solutions through experimentation.
laser: A device that produces an intense beam of coherent light of a single color. Lasers are used for drilling and cutting, alignment and guidance, data storage, and surgery.
particle: A trace amount of something.
Physics: Scientific study of the nature and nature of matter and energy. Classical physics explains the nature and nature of matter and energy based on descriptions such as Newton's laws of motion. Quantum physics, a field of study that emerged later, is a way to more precisely describe the motion and behavior of matter. Scientists working in such fields are physicist.
universe: The entire universe: Everything that exists beyond time and space. It has been expanding ever since it formed during an event known as the Big Bang about 13.8 billion years ago (which may take hundreds of millions of years or more).
vortex: (singular: vortex) A vortex of liquid or gas. A tornado is a vortex, as is the tornado-like swirl that occurs in a glass of tea stirred with a spoon. A smoke ring is a donut-shaped vortex.