What is the strongest animal in the world? This is an important question, especially if you are moving and can’t afford to hire movers.
But suppose you have an animal that helps you get around. Which one should you choose? What is the strongest animal? Who can lift the most weight?
To answer this most important question, we have compiled a list of the strongest animals on Earth today. Get ready to journey through a world of brute force as you marvel at incredibly strong birds, muscular polar bears, and powerful punching cows.
10. Harpy Eagle – Can lift 18 kg (twice its own body weight)
Female harpy eagles are the strongest birds in the world. Females are stronger than males and can lift up to 18 kg, about twice their own body weight. This is useful when choosing prey and means a greater variety of animals are available for dinner.
They are apex predators at the top of the food chain. And when you see strength like this, you can see why.
9. Leopard – Can lift 125 kg (about twice its body weight).

The average male leopard weighs between 30 kg and 70 kg, and the largest leopards can lift weights of 125 kg using strong jaw muscles and powerful legs and claws.
Leopards are not as strong as rivals like tigers and lions, so after hunting they need this strength to pull large prey up trees to protect them from rivals. This ability is also useful for storing food out of reach for later consumption.
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Source: www.sciencefocus.com