Alastair Reynolds and Esmee Zikiemi-Pearson are two authors who set their novels in space in January this year.
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There won’t be a lot of new science fiction this January, but there are some gems to look forward to, including a new release from science fiction guru Alastair Reynolds, who wrote our masterpiece. new scientist This year’s Christmas short story is Lottie and the river. I’m also really looking forward to Esmee Zikiemi-Pearson’s debut feature, a space opera with epic ambitions, and Alice McIlroy’s creepy psychological thriller. glass woman, a scientist is implanted with technology that results in him losing his memory. If I have the courage, I will read Toro Toro Tsamase’s book. City of wombs. If this isn’t enough and you’re looking for more tips for the year ahead, be sure to check out science fiction columnist Sally Addy’s tips for reading in 2024.
machine vendetta Written by Alastair Reynolds. I’ll take a new Alastair Reynolds any day. This latest information is in him Governor Dreyfus The series sees Dreyfus investigate the death of Invar Tench, a police officer who worked to maintain democracy in the 10,000 city-states orbiting the planet Yellowstone.
principle of the moment Written by Esme Jikiemi Pearson. This space opera is Zikiemi-Pearson’s first novel and follows Obi, who time-travels from the planet Garrahan in 6066, where humans are indentured laborers for the Emperor’s war machine, to London in 1812, where he meets a young girl. , sounds great. From the British Museum at another time. It’s said to be for fans of Becky Chambers, VE Schwab, and NK Jemisin, but all are must-reads for me. Seems like the perfect antidote to the January blues.
glass woman Written by Alice McIlroy.This is a psychological thriller like “BThere’s no mirror meet before going to bed as Severance pay: The story follows Iris, a scientist who volunteers to become a test subject for an experimental treatment that inserts technology into her brain. However, she no longer has her memory and wonders why she volunteered for the treatment in the first place. I don’t know if I did it or even what it is. It’s eerily awesome, and I’m sure I’ll be spending my commute and nights in January with it.

In Alice McIlroy’s The Glass Girl, strange technology is implanted in the brain of a scientist.
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city of womb Written by Toro Toro Tsamaase.The Handmaid’s Tale meet Get out? That’s quite a tall order, but this African-futuristic horror novel looks like it’ll be both fun and scary.? A cruel surveillance regime is in place, with Nella trapped in her loveless marriage, her every move monitored by microchip by her police officer husband. When she buries the body of a car accident, the ghosts of the victims begin to haunt her loved ones. Our science fiction columnist Sally Addy suggests this as something to be aware of.
13 Ways to Defeat Lulabel Rock Written by Maud Wolfe. This looks like a lot of fun. Set in the near future, celebrities can create clones of themselves (known as “portraits”) to take on various tasks. We are following 13 A copy of the actor Lurabel Rock, who is trying to eliminate his predecessor.
Ava Anna Ada Written by Ali Miller. This novel is set in the hot near future and depicts the events of a week in which Anna and Eva become trapped in their own world and reconsider who they really are. Ian Rankin explains it this way:[Philip K.] Dick’s They are This novel depicts the disintegration of a family in the near future and features early Ian Banks and Ian McEwan. The novel is “both frightening and fascinating” in every way.
clover Written by Karen Langston. Ten years after the death of her partner Neve, Ink finds that he has no concept of her past and can only think of her in the present tense. He seems to be in a new “crisis of memory loss”. But is this due to a broken code in Klova, an artificial language that allows anyone to think and speak?
necropolis alpha Written by Chris M. Arnone. This piece of cyberpunk science fiction is a sequel to Arnone’s novel. hermes protocol and follows a cybernetically enhanced “Intel operative” as he attempts to steal data from an evangelical preacher’s office.