The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope has provided stunning new images of the Crab Nebula, containing the highest-quality infrared data yet available to help astronomers investigate the detailed structure and chemical composition of this supernova remnant.
Webb's detailed analysis of the Crab Nebula's structure has helped astronomers continue to evaluate the leading theories about the origin of supernova remnants. Image credit: NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI/T. Temim, Princeton University.
The Crab Nebula is the result of a supernova explosion observed in 1054 AD by Chinese, Japanese, Arab and Native American astronomers.
Bright enough to be seen in amateur telescopes, this beautiful nebula lies 6,500 light-years away in the constellation Taurus.
Also known as Messier 1, NGC 1952, or Taurus A, the galaxy was first identified in 1731 by British astronomer, physician, and electrical researcher John Bevis.
In 1758, French astronomer Charles Messier rediscovered the faint nebula while searching for comets, and later added it to his celestial catalog as a “false comet” named Messier 1.
The nebula got its name from an 1844 drawing by Irish astronomer Lord Rosse.
The Crab Nebula is extremely unusual: its atypical composition and extremely low explosion energy had previously led astronomers to believe it was an electron-capture supernova, a rare type of explosion that occurs from a star with a less-evolved core made of oxygen, neon, and magnesium, rather than the more common iron nucleus.
Previous studies have calculated the total kinetic energy of the explosion based on the volume and velocity of the current ejecta.
Astronomers have estimated that the explosion had a relatively low energy (less than one-tenth the energy of a typical supernova) and that the source star's mass was in the range of eight to ten times that of the Sun, lying on the fine line between stars that undergo violent supernova explosions and those that do not.
However, there are contradictions between the electron capture supernova theory and observations of the Scorpio Nebula, especially the observed rapid motion of the pulsar.
In recent years, astronomers have also come to understand more about iron-collapse supernovae, leading them to believe that these types of supernovae could also produce low-energy explosions if the star's mass is low enough.
To reduce uncertainties about the nature of the Crab Nebula's protostar and explosion, Tee Temim of Princeton University and his colleagues used Webb's spectroscopy capabilities to zero in on two regions within the Crab Nebula's inner filament.
Theory predicts that due to the different chemical composition of the cores of electron capture supernovae, the abundance ratio of nickel to iron (Ni/Fe) should be much higher than that measured in the Sun, which contains these elements from earlier generations of stars.
Studies in the 1980s and early 1990s used optical and near-infrared data to measure the Ni/Fe ratios in the Crab Nebula and recorded high Ni/Fe abundances that seemed to favor an electron capture supernova scenario.
With its sensitive infrared capabilities, the Webb Telescope is currently advancing research into the Crab Nebula.
The study authors leveraged Webb's spectroscopic capabilities. Milli (mid-infrared instrument) to measure nickel and iron emission lines to get a more reliable estimate of the Ni/Fe abundance ratio.
They found that while this ratio is still high compared to the Sun, it is only slightly higher and much lower than previous estimates.
The revised value is consistent with electron capture, but does not exclude the possibility of iron-collapse explosions from low-mass stars as well.
High-energy explosions from more massive stars would produce Ni/Fe ratios closer to the solar abundance.
Further observational and theoretical work will be needed to distinguish between these two possibilities.
Webb extracted spectral data from two small regions within the Crab Nebula to measure abundances, and also observed the remnant's larger environment to understand the details of synchrotron radiation and dust distribution.
The images and data collected by MIRI allowed astronomers to isolate dust emissions within the Crab Nebula and map them in high resolution for the first time.
“By mapping the warm dust emissions with Webb and combining it with data on cold dust particles from NASA's Herschel Space Telescope, we have created a comprehensive picture of the dust distribution, with the outermost filaments containing relatively warm dust and cold particles spread out near the center,” the team said.
a paper The paper on the survey results is Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Teatemimu others2024. JWST analysis of the Crab Nebula: Ni/Fe abundance constraints on pulsar winds, dust filaments, and explosion mechanisms. Apu JL 968, L18; Source: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad50d1