Every year, scientists around the world offer research to cancer treatment. What if the answer is related to the time when cancer patients are taking medicine? Group of German scientists wanted to find out if a 24 -hour clock of the body was also known as itself. Approximately rhythmIt can affect the fight against cancer.
To test their hypothesis, scientists monitor how cancer cells behave with various drugs at various times. First, they collected a variety of cells from human milk cancer patients, including some healthy tissue cells and several tumor cells. They thoroughly monitored cell characteristics such as growth, drug reactions, and outline rhythm strength. They explained that the intensity of the rhythm of the day refers to cells that usually change the movement determined by the day and night cycle.
Scientists used the method called to determine the rhythmic intensity. Self -correlationWe measured how cells work at different times. They used the second method to identify the dominant frequency and time of the cellular signal. Continuous wavelength conversion。 They use this method to break down the signals into small parts, each represents different frequencies and time range.
Finally, they use another method to simultaneously look at both large and small cell processes and further disassemble the signals called. Multi -election analysis。 By combining these methods, we measured how the drug affected the growth of cells over time, and identified what has changed based on time -dependent or dunning effects.
Researchers have grown a group of special breast cancer cells, which are known to have biological watches incorporated in the controlled environment. They added drugs to fight a variety of cancers at different times of the day, and evaluated how they changed their effectiveness. They also administered a variety of drugs and found the best dosage for their daily time. In order to test how the cells react over time, the cell growth rate was measured by imaging with a microscope and growing fast under various conditions. Later, scientists organized cells and drugs into groups based on how they responded to the test.
In addition, researchers conducted tests to measure the efficiency of the administered drugs. First, we used a series of light dark cycle to synchronize the cells to a specific outline. Later, they used live cell imaging to monitor cell growth and survival, and administer drugs at a different period of one day, exceeding four hours. After that, the team compared the way cells react to drugs on various occasions and identified the best time to administer drugs for cancer treatment. Scientists have discovered a strong correlation between the aid clock and drugs.
In order to explore the influence of the outline clocks on cell treatment, scientists also tested the overall contribution of each gene component in cells to the overall drug reaction. They explained that the gene of our body decides how well the drug can suppress cancer and how strongly it can accept the drug. However, with almost 20,000 gene, scientists want to match each drug to the most effective target gene.
To do this, the team used two methods to collect very large datasets and create called forecasts. Linear discrimination analysis and Main ingredient analysis。 They used these methods to rank the cell gene according to how effectively the cells react to drugs, and identify the mutant pattern between gene. They discovered that different genes show different sensitivity to each drug.
Scientists concluded that the rhythm of the solar cells affects drug sensitivity and effectiveness. They suggested that future workers test other undeveloped gene and confirm that they are sensitive to specific cancer drugs. The team concluded that their results would help scientists to understand how the 24 -hour cycle of the body would affect cancer treatment, which is sensitive to time.
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Source: sciworthy.com