New data from a very large telescope between NASA's CHANDRA X-Ray Observatory and ESO provides evidence that explosions from ultra-large black holes can help you cool the gas and feed yourself.
These images indicate two galaxy clusters of research, Perseus cluster and Centaul scraster. The chandradata represented by blue reveals X -rays from hot gas filaments, and VLT data indicates a red cooler filament. Image Credit: NASA / CXC / SAO / OLIVARES et al. / dss / cfht / sitelle / ESA / STSCI / ESO / VLT / MUSE / N. wolk.
In a new study, Dr. Valeria Olibales and her colleagues of Santiago De Chile University analyzed the deep observations of seven galaxy clusters, which indicate a remarkable poly-phase filament structure: Perseus, M87, Centaur, Abel 2597, Abel 1795, Hydra-A, Hydra, and Hydra PKS 0745-191.
“At the center of the galaxy cluster is the huge galaxy in the universe. This galaxy has a huge black hole with millions to billion times a mass of the sun.” I said.
“The jet from these black holes is driven by the black hole that exhales gas.”
Their results support a model in which the explosion from the black hole causes hot gases and cools down a narrow gas filament.
Gas turbulence also plays an important role in this trigger process.
According to the model, some of these warm gases in these filaments should flow into the center of the galaxy and supply them to black holes, causing explosions.
The explosion cools more gas, supplies black holes, and leads to further explosions.
The model predicts that it is related to the bright gas and warm gas filament at the center of the galaxy cluster.
More specifically, in areas where hot gas is bright, warm gases need to be brightened.
“Our results provide a new understanding of filament filled with these gases. This is important not only for feeding black holes, but also for forming new stars.” The person said.
“This progress has been made possible by innovative technology that separates hot filaments of Chandra X -ray data from other structures, including a large cavity of hot gas created by a black hole jet.”
“The newly discovered relationship of these filaments indicates the remarkable similarity of what is found in the tail of the jellyfish. These are peeled off when moving the surrounding gases and the long tail. It was formed.
“This similarity means that the universe connection between the two objects is revealed and that these objects have a similar process.”
Team paper Published in the journal Natural astronomy.
V. Olivary et al. Hα-X-ray surface gaze correlation of the cooling flow cluster filament. Nut asron Released online on January 27, 2025. Doi: 10.1038/S41550-02473-8