Anti-Japanese and Mongolian paleontologists have found the footprints of Hadrosaurus dinosaur fossils eating large plants from the Cretaceous.
A huge Hadrosaurus dinosaur footprint in the Gobi Western Desert in Mongolia. Image credit: Okayama Science University.
The newly discovered Hadrosaurus footprint dates back about 70 million years ago (Cretaceous).
One of them is about 92 cm in diameter (3 feet), one of the largest Hadrosaurus footprints found so far.
“It is thought that the biggest footprint belongs to the giant SaurolovsIt is estimated that the overall length of the whole body exceeds 15 m (50 feet), and evenly Tyrannosaurus and Turbo saurus Team leader of size Shinobu IshigakiOkayama Science University Dinosaur Museum Research Bureau, and his colleagues stated in a statement.
Saurolovs Is a large Hadrosaurus dinosaur known by the Canadian horseshoe canyon and the Mongolian Nemegut layer.
According to an old-fashioned scholar, it is one of the few dinosaur genus from multiple continents.
“Our discovery suggests that one of the largest bipedal behaviors known so far lived in Mongolia, and also enhances hope for the discovery of large-scale skeletal archeological sites. They say. “
In addition, researchers have found a 24 m (79-foot) trackway composed of about 85 cm (2.8 feet) fossils (2.8 feet).
“From June 1 to 15, 2024, we conducted a follow-up survey in the Nishi Gobi Desert,” he said.
“As a result, we discovered a new trackway, including three footprints of the largest Hadrosaurus discovered so far and 13 fossiled footprint sequences.”
“The identification of 14 trackways, including those found before 2018, enables analysis of posture, walking style, speed, and group movements. This is an unpredictable details.”
“So far, the largest known Hadrosaurus skeleton belongs. Shunton SaurusThey were found in Shandong Province, China. “
“However, the latest discovery in Mongolia suggests the possibility of clarifying large-scale skeletal archeological sites in this area.”
“Our next goal is to clarify a large full skeleton. Saurolovs I will be in charge of these footprints, “said Dr. Ishikawa.