Being a freelance writer means that my daily routine can vary greatly. Some days, I have too much work to handle, while on other days, I have too little to do.
Regardless of the type of job you have, one thing remains constant – email. I receive around 100 emails every day, ranging from trivial updates to important messages from my editor.
Every morning, the first thing I do after turning off my alarm is check my email. And before putting my phone away at night, I make sure to clear out any unread messages. I check my phone constantly throughout the day, always afraid of missing something crucial.
Approximately a year ago, I noticed that checking my email had become more of a distraction. I found myself constantly replying to messages during bathroom breaks and feeling anxious if I hit a mental block while working. I began receiving push notifications on my phone twice as often as checking on my computer.
To make matters worse, I started checking and responding to emails even during meals and walks, turning my downtime into work time.
The red dot on my email app had become a symbol of my professionalism. The more unread emails I had, the less competent I felt. Responding quickly to emails was crucial to maintain my reputation and continue receiving work assignments.
However, prioritizing speed over quality was taking a toll on me. I was overextending myself, not leaving any room for thoughtful work. I realized that I needed a change.
After a particularly busy emailing week, I decided to delete the email app from my phone.
Initially, I felt uneasy without notifications on my phone and checked my email frequently on my laptop. But soon, I noticed a positive difference. Being away from my computer allowed me to focus on things other than work, improving my sleep quality and reducing nighttime stress.
After newsletter promotion
While my work days remain unpredictable, I’ve learned the importance of setting boundaries for myself even in the absence of a structured routine. Taking uninterrupted breaks helps me focus better when I return to work. Delaying responses to emails by a few hours instead of immediately has not affected the sender and allows me to grasp the message better.
As a freelancer in a fast-paced industry, I no longer feel overwhelmed. Creating space for myself has been beneficial, allowing me to prioritize rest and relaxation. Now, I can spend my time on activities other than constantly checking emails on my phone.